Here goes my first post for twenty-thirteen! Hey, y'all! How ya doin'? Before we go to the part where I rant about the recent best thing that happened in my life, I think it's obligatory to post a simple greeting like this since I haven't posted anything for a while and we're halfway through the month and... you get me. I'm sort of neglecting my baby bloggie and knowing me, you know that I feel bad every time it happens. Apologies, readers! (If I have one, lol) It's a part of my resolution to be more active but heck, school's draining the energy outta me so I can't manage but I'll try to keep you posted for time to time! Deal?
Anyway, I just turned 18! Hurraaaahhhh! I'm minor no more and... I still look like one? LOL, I kid. But everybody knows that so I won't argue anymore. Hihi. And I guess I had the best birthday surprise a girl could ever ask for. Commencing story in 3...2...1...
It's a normal day for everyone and a not-so normal day for me. 15th January 2013, I'm going legal! I didn't expect for anything to happen, except for a few greetings maybe, but not all these swoon-worthy surprises which totally struck me with giddiness, awe, and every synonym you can find. Let me hear your shrieks; eeeehhh!
I went to school on my usual time-- 5 something, and arrive there eventually like, 6 something. I bumped into Jans on my way to school so we just went together. Yeah, they all greeted me, even Chella and Charmaine who just dropped by, and Dhanica, Rhea, Charry, and many others too. All my friends were like "Ano ba meron ngayon?" or "Mayro'n bang may birthday?" yadda yadda. I knew they were kidding but heck, it made me feel bad! They've been doing it for days and when I said they, the boy is included. For cries' sake! I even felt like crying. And t'was the same reason why I didn't expect a lot, really. Sigh. But not until we went out after being dismissed early.
We arrived at the IR square like nothing's gonna happen. My friends and I went down to grab a quick brekky at the canteen and we even came back shortly. I really didn't know that there was a surprise until I set foot back in the IR Square and everybody broke into a song singing "Happy Birthday, Jowi" to me! I was so caught off-guard, I didn't know how to react. All the singing is nice and touching but what's nicer and more touching is when my boy came out in the middle of the song, handing me a bouquet of Ferrero! It was helluva surprise since I told him months ago that ever since, I've been dying to receive one and I didn't know that he was going to give it to me sooner than I thought he will. Eep! I'm guessing everyone's more kilig than I was since all my friends and all the by-passers are smiling and in awe!
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That magical moment. ♥ |
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With thy college barkada, minus some Teehee. |
And I thought that was it. English class passed and my teacher who has the same birthday was surprise by my classmates too. After which, we then evacuated and moved to our Research Method room wherein we did nothing so I was expecting to have some daldalan sessions with Rhea who was nowhere in sight. I didn't wonder why 'cause I thought I got all my surprises that day so I looked for Ralph instead. He also ditched the class so I sent him an SMS wherein he replied; "I'm having my brekky, see you later!" Yeah and I failed to notice that Charmaine was MIA too. For an hour and 30, I read Paper Towns with the thought that my friends didn't even prepared for my birthday 'cause it came to me that they must have thought that I now have a boy and I no longer need them. D'awww. Little did I know that they will come towards the end of the class and surprise me with cakes! Then, they lead me into the next room and on my seat lies a note (or notes in this case) which has "18 Reasons Why I Love You" written on it. Eeeehhhh! *insert super kilig emoticon here* Too bad I can't supply you with photos, they haven't uploaded yet! But I will update this if ever.
This has been the greatest birthday so far. Thanks, guys! You totally saved me from slashing my wrist. Jk! But really, thanks. I love you all!