Sunday, November 6, 2016

Invalidating Struggles

How sad it is to live in a world where all your ex-schoolmates-slash-colleagues are well-off. Not only because I don't belong to their social class, but also because I see them not having to struggle in terms of reaching their ambitions. The major steal is that they have someone to give them their wants and needs in an instant.

Also, did I mention that they never have to think about money?

I am currently 21 but I feel 35. Having to pay for your sister's tuition, bills, et al., is no joke given the fact that you have just started working and your earnings won't suffice yet.

Am I jealous? Maybe. Am I sad? HECK YEAH.

The hustle is difficult. It feels like I'm forced to mature at this age where some people my age don't even have responsibilities yet.

And here I am. Trying and trying but never enough. But I'm still grinding. And I hope I don't get weary.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sundays Currently II

This Sunday, I am currently...


On Buzzfeed stuff about Kylie Jenner. I came across this article about her lip kits and then I started clicking from one article to another. Now I am browsing through articles under the Kardashian tag. Heeeeeelllppppp! This isn't meeeeee~


About how sucky my Sunday is. Truly.


To The Cab's La La!!! I suddenly start listening to their Symphony Soldier album again and it took me back to 2012 in an instant. I. AM. FUCKING. SMITTEN. RIGHT NOW.


If I chose the right nail polish color. I picked royal blue in a heartbeat and I think I like it... although it's not summer-y... You know me, always wanting to be in sync with the theme.


The amorous smell of Monday. *sarcastic tone* Seriously though, I still feel like I'm a college student, waiting for my summer break. *insert the saddest emoji here* Wake up, girl! You're a college graduate now!


That I'd be able to have a vacation! I wanna be taken to the beach or somewhere where I can dip my little bum into. 31 degrees is no joke here in the tropics and the heat is becoming unbearable now. Also, I want to get away from work!


FOR A VACATION. Yep, that's how I badly want a break.


My home outfit or in my vernacular, a pambahay. Comfy af, yo! Nor harm in looking like a bum when you're acting fab everyday.


Starbuck's S'mores!!! I love how the melted mallows' so soft and sticky and gooey! Uuuuggghhhh, I'd buy more if not for my sore throat. And the price.


To buy a cute rash guard which I'd like to use for our upcoming swimming trips. No to roasted skin! Although I'd love to wear cute outfits too (who doesn't?) I'd rather not regret later. My skin's too uneven for it to be more uneven than ever!


To shop!!! I'm running out of clothes to wear to the office. You know how much I hate repeating clothes, of course. Fine, I do repeat but I don't wear the same thing for 2 weeks, I mean, of course they'd notice. And though I do, I style it differently so it looks different.


Lazy. Take it from me, guys. When your everyday needs to be productive, you'd just want to feel lazy sometimes. AND I'M NOT EVEN SORRY!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Outta Work

My relationship with change is like that of Blair and Chuck's-- a love-hate one. Sure, I love spontaneity, but impulsive change? It freaks me out. I may or may not be conventional but I know one thing; that I contemplate a lot about change but I always end up doing the usual. I. AM. SCARED. LIKE. THAT. And I don't know why when everyone's been telling me that I'm a strong biznatch who can take care of herself. I take that as a compliment...though I'm not sure about it now, now that I came up with this realization.

Speaking of change, I hope you noticed my new theme! Not-so new though because I retained the old template, hehe, but yes! New graphics. I honestly had no plans of revamping this thing until I saw that Photoshop CS5 is downloaded here! And I'm on a leave. Yes, guys, I'M ON A LEAVE! This seldom happens because my job's toxic as heck and I can't take a leave often. I know, I know, I haven't kept you posted about my job but I might, soon! It's almost been a year since I got employed and you can tell that one of the many reasons why I'm not Blogspot active anymore is because of it. Guuuuyyysss. I wish I could write from time to time, really, but aside from the fact that my creative juice storage is as drained as Antipolo's Hinulugang Taktak... HA! Now that's a comparison. Anyway, aside from the fact that my creative juice storage is drained, I am now a busy career woman taking in one responsibility from another. Don't worry, I have taken in strength as well so I could handle this.

This is random though. Hopefully I could craft another that's worth reading. I haven't made one since time in memorial but we'll see.