My relationship with change is like that of Blair and Chuck's-- a love-hate one. Sure, I love spontaneity, but impulsive change? It freaks me out. I may or may not be conventional but I know one thing; that I contemplate a lot about change but I always end up doing the usual. I. AM. SCARED. LIKE. THAT. And I don't know why when everyone's been telling me that I'm a strong biznatch who can take care of herself. I take that as a compliment...though I'm not sure about it now, now that I came up with this realization.
Speaking of change, I hope you noticed my new theme! Not-so new though because I retained the old template, hehe, but yes! New graphics. I honestly had no plans of revamping this thing until I saw that Photoshop CS5 is downloaded here! And I'm on a leave. Yes, guys, I'M ON A LEAVE! This seldom happens because my job's toxic as heck and I can't take a leave often. I know, I know, I haven't kept you posted about my job but I might, soon! It's almost been a year since I got employed and you can tell that one of the many reasons why I'm not Blogspot active anymore is because of it. Guuuuyyysss. I wish I could write from time to time, really, but aside from the fact that my creative juice storage is as drained as Antipolo's Hinulugang Taktak... HA! Now that's a comparison. Anyway, aside from the fact that my creative juice storage is drained, I am now a busy career woman taking in one responsibility from another. Don't worry, I have taken in strength as well so I could handle this.
This is random though. Hopefully I could craft another that's worth reading. I haven't made one since time in memorial but we'll see.