Sunday, February 8, 2015

On My Recent Hiatus

Your resident babble machine has been under construction lately. College has drained my creative juices to the point that my English started to suck and I can write no more. I am helpless. My blog is helpless. Nothing is up.

But I've been busy.

I ended my battle with Midterms recently and looking back at my performance, I think the graduation ship has tilted. LOL, I kid! But I am hoping and praying that everything will turn out fine for me to be able to leave school permanently. Huzzah! Oh and, It's elections week! Been on the yellow side for four years now and we're rooting for our third win. Speaking of win, I am up for another spelling bee contest on February 10! I am both excited and anxious at the same time 'cause I badly want to win however, it would always ring in me that I think I'm not good enough. GOOD LORD, GUIDE ME. I need money for the upcoming diplomatic ball. YAS! The highlight of the month, probably.To be held on 28th of February, we are expected to wear long gowns and look beautiful for a night. I could not wait!!! Or not. I could not feign excitement 'cause I don't have moolah to spare. Sad. And how sawn on my sentences in this paragraph are is depressing.

As for the moment, I am bracing myself for finals. F I N A L S!!! I really want to edit my blog template now, but college is taking up so much of my time so I'd save that for summer. For now, let me concentrate on our thesis... okay, baby thesis.

Wish me luck. I might not be able to update for weeks but always know that I love you all.

