Four years had gone since I first donned my blue uniform with matching sky high heels and a smile. Four years had gone since I first entered LPU with minimum knowledge about the world I am about to venture. Four years had gone and here I am now, about to harvest everything that I sowed in that span of time. Four years, one day. Everything went so fast, didn't you notice the time?
If I were to look back at everything and ponder what the most vivid memory of college that left a stain on my brain is, I won't say that it's the day I was recognized for my achievements nor is it the days when my profs actually noticed my distinct talent. I may sound absurd, but trust me, the triumph of winning over your littlest predicaments is what I will always remember. Remember when we were asked to make a thesis in the vernacular and goit cranky and tongue-tied cause we're used to english theses cause that's the norm? We got 90. Oh, remember when we had to translate this in alibata just because? We got 1.75 as our grade! Wait, remember when we have to identify where does this certain organ belong to? We aced the questions in the science quiz bee! That and more, I know it will make you laugh and eventually realize that "Hey, I made it." Such things will always remind you that you did it and you have to keep on moving. Take it from someone who won't really exert a lot of effort but gets agitated and nervous when results are about to be released. Ha! Don't get me wrong though. I never had 3s, mind you. *winks* For someone who only had 5 non-temporary permits on the duration of her entire college life, it has always been a regret that I didn't work hard enough to at least compensate my parents' efforts to send me to school. Sad, but hey... I'm on time!
Like what my friend said on her virtual valedictory speech; "Sending a child to school is a responsibility, but for me, it is a privilege." I experienced cross cutting through means of reducing my allowance for the sake of our entire household. Well, my dad believed that Php50 would come a long way and he was *ehem* right. Moreover, my mom has always fallen in line in the promissory settlement and I can't even remember the times when I'd not see the words "Temporary Permit" on my test permit. Worst comes to worst, there was even a time when I'll have my friends pay for me and just pay them afterwards cause I couldn't afford yet. But I'll always be thankful cause God sent me these people as the catalysts of my survival in this hullaballoo disguised as college.
To my family, I couldn't thank you enough for all the sacrifices you made just so we could afford my education. I love you all and I promise to get back to you. Never forget that this is for you, dad, cause I know that it is my fault that we lost your store. Also, this is for you, mommy, cause you weren't able to march on your graduation day because then, all you could afford was the UST education and your diploma and I'm glad to march for you. Lela, this is also for you cause you sacrificed the things you want for me, being the eldest. I may hate you sometimes but you know I'd love to spoil you 'cause you're my spoiled-since-birth little sissums and we know you missed that. You are the best and I'm happy that we never broke apart despite the challenges.
To my friends, especially Awesome Four-Sam, I love you all. You know I won't be able to survive everyday without your daily dose of jokes and craziness. Thank you for treating me everytime I'm broke and for understanding my thriftiness. Don't you dare seenzone, bishes! I'll really miss you all. I know I'll never meet anyone like you guys and I'll always cherish our moments. Thank you, Jans, for being a constant reminder that I should always strive to achieve the things I want. Chella, I couldn't thank you enough for all the laughter you brought into my life. You lift up my sad spirit with your cheerful vibe. Sam, thank you for being immature with me! Other than you, there's no one I can laugh with the way we do. Chame, my first ever bestfriend in college, thank you for all the financial support and everything you gave me. You have always been our greatest adviser and I'll never forget your words of wisdom. I love you, five, my ride-or-die bitches!
To my Ralph, we've been together since Second Year and it already felt like a long time. I love you, love, booboo bear, wuv wuv, bb! Having you in my life is the best thing that happened to me and God knows that I consider you as His greatest gift. Thank you for paying for me even before we were together... But then again, I know it's because you like me. Lol. Kidding aside, I am so grateful that you are my boyfriend; for always providing me food cause my allowance won't suffice, for teaching me all the things I don't know but we'll end up arguing because of our contradicting perspectives, and most of all, for being there when no one else is and for believing that I can when my insides are deteriorating. I'll never get tired of saying I love you. I can't wait to pay you back.
Thank you, LPU and my mentors. I' ve learned a lot and I am beyond honored to be your student. Despite all the headaches and smiles, I still love you all and I'll be forever grateful.
Finally, thank You, Lord, for giving me the strength to finish this ride. I love You and thank You for being the only constant in my forever impermanent world.
Now, self, go out there and achieve your dreams! I did not notice the time that passed but I know your time is now.
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