Everybody has that friend whose Facebook relationship status went from single to in a relationship, to single again when they're in the middle of a lover's quarrel, and the moment they're good they'd revert to in a relationship. After which, the cycle would repeat... to the extent that you'd lose sympathy for them. Hah.
Entering a relationship taught me that misunderstandings aren't really avoidable. Opinions would clash and unlikely things would happen but at the end of the day, mistakes will be forgiven and you'll learn what and what not to do. Now, is it really necessary to "break-up" or change statuses while being involved in LQs? Ah, I beg to disagree. That is because 1.) it's like you're involving everyone else in a "thing" that's supposed to be between two people ONLY, and 2.) because, no one actually cares. To tell you frankly, not all of the people who asks you "why?" aren't really concerned. They're just obnoxious people who wants gossip. Trust me, I can be one of those so I know how it works. The best advice I could probably give you is to keep your quarreling posts to yourselves. Can you? Pretty please? It annoys netizens who came to the internet to not witness your drama.
R and I fight, too. Lucky me though, because breaking up is never an option for us and when we almost do, we'll start saying sorry to each other while claiming the blame. Yes, we swallow our prides. We don't do "press releases"; which means we don't printscreen and post (supposed to be) private messages on each other's walls. I just tweet subtly which drives him crazy! LOL. We respect each other. We never gave up on this and we'll never do. Don't ask why, we all know why. I've got an awesome relationship right here and yes, it's something to brag about. Envy yet? You should be.
On, off, on, off goes your relationship. Better break-up, then?