You did? Great.
Apparently, I was trying to blog about something the whole week. The problem is, I can't weave a really nice paragraph that makes sense! I've been trying to put all these precious words together but they would just fall apart in dismay. And it was frustrating, indeed! Type, backspace, contemplate, repeat -- I suck. It's a surprise that I'm the contrary of my usual ready-to-blog-cause-I'm-inspired self. Wow.
Speaking of inspired and ready to blog, I had a really hefty confession exactly a week ago! I don't really want to put the blame on it for this commotion, but I guess it's the reason why I'm trying to put up a perfect post. Shoot! That boy must have struck me this hard for I was left speechless... Oh and, did I mention that he's too awesome for my life that I don't ever want to show myself to him and everybody, ever? No? There, I just did. But heck, I was talking about this petty crush of mine again. Must... stop! But I caaaannn't!!! *super kilig emoticon here*
I'm trying not to include
Blaaaahhhh and blah blah, nothing more to say. Sorry, I suck. Nothing to do here, ciao!
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