Monday, January 30, 2012

Women, why you such whiny bitches?

This me and my most uninspired self trying to blog about how swell last night was. 

I miss my guy friends so bad. And when I say "guy friends", I'm talking about  this bunch of straight guys who play basketball together, goes to gym, made fun of each other -- you know, your typical teenage boys who do all sorts of typical teenage things. They're actually tougher and manlier than my college classmates combined!. Heck yeah! And i couldn't find a reason why I'm even friends with them. As far as my memory is concerned, everything started in Sophomore year when we had a group project and we were sorted with these guys. Eventually, the friendship grew 'cause we started hanging out with each other and their other friends. That was actually awesome because it expanded our circle!

Our time for bonding lessened when we entered college. It's like it went from twice (or even 5 times) a month to once in 2 - 3 months... and that made me miss them terribly. So I was just thankful for last night 'cause I had the chance to have fun with them via Twitter! To cut the long story short, let me just tell you that we had fun doing the same ol' stuffs -- MAKING KUYOG A FRIEND FOR COOKIES! And laughing, and making kana... things! It was so hardcore that the mentions increased and we have no more space for our message. Haha! It was hella fun!

A portion of our chika! Heeee. Thank God I have awesome guy friends. They lessen the drama and they make me happy. Oh yeah! *bro fist* Stephen, William, Donne, Phel, Bamp, and Al; THANK YOU. To our other guy friends who seem lost; GO AND OPEN YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNTS 'CAUSE I TERRIBLY MISS YA'LL!

P.S.: I'm not saying that my friends are such bitches, but I just love being with these guys. Plus, my girl friends are as boyish as I am, we're one heck of a happy barkada!

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